Posted on 19/08/2016 by Dan Grace

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A quick 15 minute Uniform Education Review with Rebecca is what Becky had to say...

Name: Rebecca Whitehead
Job Title:  School Relationship Consultant
Time at Uniform Education: 10 months

What do you like the most about working at Uniform Education?

Hard work is recognised.

When I first joined I really took note of the emphasis on getting to know your schools and candidates to make long lasting relationships, I like this more personal touch that is added and I enjoy getting to know my schools and candidates.

What were you doing before joining Uniform?

I graduated July 2015 and joined Uniform Education. Over the summer I worked two jobs; as a waitress at a wine bar and a receptionist at a hospital.

What is the highlight of your career?

Being promoted within my first 6 months!

What do you think about the Leadership team at Uniform?

Approachable and always happy to help. They are very tuned in with the rest of their team and know when to offer help

What are your thoughts about career progression?

Career progression is something that is discussed regularly, with your line manager having regular 1:1’s with you to see how you feel things are going and what sort of role within the company you are hoping to move into. You are not pushed into any position, it’s very much a discussion where you can decide where you want to go with your career. As a company that is rapidly growing the opportunities are numerous and I’m excited to be a part of it and see what the future holds!

What do you think about career development?

The management team ensure that we have a clear structure of how to develop and I am committed to working hard to ensure the development of my career continues at the pace it has done so far.

What has been your biggest achievement?

Surpassing one of my September targets!

Describe the culture at Uniform…

Friendly, fun and relaxed but everyone knows that we need to work hard in order to be able to enjoys those things. Everyone here works incredibly hard so we are of the same work ethic. Our hard work is frequently recognised with team nights out and incentives – we recently went to Ascot as a reward for hitting team targets!

What have you enjoyed most about the culture?

I enjoy coming to work and that the leadership team are so approachable. We all get along really well as a team and want everyone to succeed. When there is a success for an individual in the office, the whole team are genuinely excited for you which is a great feeling.
What advice would you give Consultants joining Uniform?

Work hard, you will be rewarded and opportunities will be presented to you!

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